The Colombia magazine, El Cambio, release an article called, " Águilas negras reclutan a menores para construir pistas de aterrizaje clandestinas" or in english, "The paramilitary group Black eagles recruit minors to construct a clandestine air strip."
The article is focused around a community we are accompanying called Tiquiso. The Paramilitaries have been operating this landing strip near the community for a while now. The landing strip is for the transporting of drugs out of the region.
To see the drug trade routes in the region check out this map.
The article quotes the Observatorio de Paz Integral del Magdalena Medio, a group we work with, saying, "there are at least 26 paramilitary gangs and drug traffickers operating in 30 municipalities that are engaged in theft, extortion, kidnapping, extortion, drug smuggling. They "Remove and put roadblocks, commit murders, patrol the villages, steal possessions of the population, threatening the communtiy, and generating terror"
Then the article goes on to ask the question, Has terror returned to southern Bolivar. or democratic security?
For those of you that don't know what is meant by democratic security. In short, democratic security is President Uribe's Plan for the colombia.
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